To blog or not to blog…


So, here we have it. I finally started a blog! Though this was my favorite past time in college while studying abroad in Austria and early adult hood, while traveling Thailand (all topics completely unrelated to speech therapy, I can guarantee it), I now have found a new passion for blogging. My focus lies in the fact that I continually gain so much knowledge and education from workshops, conferences and real life experiences that I desperately want to share it with whomever is interested. A lot of this information isn’t so readily available to people who are not within a medical field (i.e. dentistry, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology etc.) Not only that, but these are topics that just aren’t talked about enough!

Alas, here we are. Welcome to Tessa Talks in which I will post a monthly topic, throw in some research for that “evidence based practice” that everyone loves, and hope to share some of my knowledge with you.

Happy Saturday!


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